Peaches & COVID-19

Hello all,
What a year it has been! Our heart and prayers go out to everyone personally affected as well as indirectly affected by COVID-19.
We want to let you know what we are doing to protect our customers, families, farmers and everyone else who deal with any part of our peach process.
1. Once our peaches are ripe, each peach will be handled only one time by our pickers directly into the peach boxes (full & half). Our pickers wear full PPE gear (gloves, masks, eyewear, body suits) and will have no skin contact.
2. Once the peaches are in the box, you (the customer) will be the only person who will handle them. Smaller quantities will be divided up into bags by one more of our employees who will also be wearing full PPE attire. This will only be the case for road side stands (TBD if we set them up) and farmers markets. Unlike previous years we will not be letting customers pick their own at any point. And unfortunately, we will bot be giving away free peach samples at road side stands and farmers markets.
3. Fundraisers and online orders will be full or half boxes only. We will be delivering boxes to doorsteps and fundraiser drops like previous years with no contact in PPE gear.
Summer is coming. We will see you all soon!
Stay safe!
The Palisade Peach Team